6th April 2022;
£781 YLCA membership renewal fee,
£332.37 Zurich insurance,
£1472 New seating ( recreation ground)
2nd March 2022;
£540 Repair and repaint war memorial seating,
£281.99 new grit bits and supply of grit,
£230 Newsletter distribution
2nd February 2022;
£1328 Village newsletter,
£1150 Tom Sumner lights installation,
£252 Airfield memorial plaque
5th January 2022;
£127.46 Trophy engraving,
£160 Methodist church room hire,
£250 Newsletter photography,
£1178.04 Steve Thorpe gardening services,
£375 Hire of donkeys for Christmas event,
£168.59 Food/refreshments Christmas event,
£253.84 Christmas event DJ, prizes, games
December 2021
Gardening vouchers £220
Christmas promotional materials £619.20
SLCC membership renewal £134
Website updates £120
November 2021
Christmas tree £210
AGAR audit £240
October 2021
Defibrillator installation £144
Web marketing £795.60
War Memorial gardens flowers £573
September 2021
CCTV installation £998.40
August 2021
Grant to Scouts £400
Purchase of defibrillator £1620
July 2021
PA system £ 249
Village showcase leaflet £285
June 2021
Chairmans allowance £500
AGAR audit £180
Litter picking equipment £142.80
May 2021
Website updates £180
Zurich Insurance £332.37