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sporting groups, games and debates. Enrichment is providing an offer that is usually only accessible to those who can stay after school, now as part of the main school day. As Parkside is a school where many children travel by bus, supporting students to stay after school for more traditional extra curricular activities can provide a challenge. This approach removes that barrier. It is also designed to develop the sense of belonging and community within the school, something which has not always been evident in recent years. Students and staff who feel an increased sense of belonging and can build positive relationships together and between each other, can work more positively in other aspects of school including learning, outcomes, building a sense of happiness and pride. It has been lovely to see students from across the different year groups interact through the enrichment activities. Linked into both Coaching and Enrichment, has been the introduction of the Parkside Press and Parkside TV. Both activities are student led and appear fortnightly on alternate weeks. They shine a light on the positive things that are happening at Parkside and help showcase the great things that our young people are doing in the school and beyond. This first half term has also seen lots of examples of Parkside students not only experiencing different opportunities, but also contributing to them. There was a very successful residential to London where students visited the theatre to see Hamilton and Mamma Mia, as well as getting involved in a West End workshop, and experiencing some of the main sights such as the London Eye and Covent Garden. Students also participated in the PwC New World New Skills programme. This involved visiting the PwC offices in Leeds, observing the working environment and developing an understanding of the use of technology and skills (including Problem Solving, Speaking and Listening) and the world of work. Another programme we are participating in is the Asda Future Leaders programme. This is a multi- day programme across the school year learning more about all the areas of the company, their working environment, their social and governance strategy and ending with the creation of a project ‘brief’ which will go forward into the later days of the programme. I was also lucky to have been a part of the process to select our new Head Students and Deputies. 6 young people went through an application and interview process. What was brilliant was that each student brought a different angle to what they wished to achieve and how they believed they could contribute. This included different foci including Inclusion, Mental Health and Wellbeing, building relationships within the local community and promoting opportunities for students. It was a heartening experience to hear what our students wished to build on. Our school Open Evening for prospective Year 7 students and Parents / Carers was very well attended. It is important to me that our students are front and centre at events such as this, and there was positive feedback about students who had contributed whether in the main parental talks, acting as ambassadors taking visitors around the school or who were supporting in subject areas. If any of you attended that evening, my thanks to you for coming along. You may know that Parkside is now a part of the Wellspring Academy Trust. Being a part of a sizeable and successful Multi academy Trust has allowed other benefits. For example, there has been significant investment into the fabric of the school environment. This includes bringing splashes of colour to help the spaces feel more inviting, welcoming and vibrant, alongside significant changes such as a complete overhaul of the Library turning it from a drab, functional space to one that really promotes a lifelong love of reading. Continued investment in the school environment is something that Wellspring are committed to; for example, there is a rolling 5 year programme of works that has already started but will continue to ensure that Parkside’s building, environment and spaces are developed over time. I have spent my first half term in post getting to know the school and working with Wellspring colleagues to help continue the journey of improvement that has been started over the past academic year. Parkside, like almost all secondary comprehensive schools, continues to face challenges. These are varied and include aspects related to money and finance, a shifting political and educational landscape alongside the societal challenges that inevitably schools, as central points in a community, are impacted by. However, what is clear is that staff, students, Parents/ Carers and the wider local community all have a desire for Parkside to grow and develop as a school at the heart of this community. Robin Ghosal, Principal
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