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Cullingworth Village Primary School Last half term, all the children at Cullingworth Village Primary School had the opportunity to take part in an inspiring Art and Design Technology journey, with pupils showcasing their creations to parents on the final day of term, 24th October 2024. The project has brought the community together, with children across all year groups engaging in hands-on activities that blend creativity, craftsmanship, and sustainability. Each class created stunning art work pieces to be displayed. This inclided a focus on different artisits chosen to inspire the children. In Design Technology (DT) Reception children made planters for the winter flowers. Year 1 and 2 students have been busily crafting wind chimes using metal rods and household recycled materials like old cutlery, beads, and washers. Meanwhile, Year 3 and 4 children have embraced the challenge of creating bird nesting boxes, learning to use tools such as screws, screwdrivers, hinges, and staple guns. Children in Year 5 and 6 pupils have been foraging for natural materials like acorns and bark to design and build their own miniature bug hotels, incorporating mitre joints, screws, and hand drills. Parents and carers were invited to walk through the main school corridor which showcased all the children’s art work on display as a special gallery accompanied by Music. They then entered the main hall to see the sustainability products. All the products made by the children were sold to parents with children hosting the event. The money raised is being re-invested back into other school projects. Mrs Bi, DT and Art leader at the school, said: ‘The overwhelming support from parents and the local community has been instrumental in bringing this ambitious project to life. Their generosity in donating tools and materials has been invaluable. A special thank you goes to Lee Cornforth, Faithfull Tools, Pickard Hardware, Arnold Laver, Laura Wilkinson, Charlie Pullan, and Richard Sutcliffe for their contributions. An extra heartfelt thanks goes to Ash Baldwin, whose efforts in organising a crowdfunding campaign and coordinating the project logistics have made a significant impact. Both Ash Baldwin and Laura Wilkinson (parents) also went the extra mile by sourcing and cutting wood for the projects. Finally, a huge thank you to the Cullingworth Village Primary School team. Despite their busy schedules, they found the time to bring all of this to life — from creating beautiful Monet themed Art displays and a specially constructed bridge to teaching with confidence and making this project a reality. Thank you! Kind regards from Cathy Isaac Headteacher Cullingworth Village Primary School